February 10, 2015

Nate Pann: Let's be honest about Lovelyz and GFRIEND


Be honest, who do you think is better between the two, Lovelyz or GFRIEND? Consider dancing, singing, and visuals combined, without any other ulterior motives behind your choice. I loved both of their songs, so I'm happy either way!!!

 Lovelyz: 1,107


1. GFRIEND? I heard their song in a music broadcast and their dance is quite identical except for the kick which seems to be the only hard part. I'm surprised that I don't know who is who despite so much media play about them.

2. Lovelyz's fans should not compared them with GFRIEND, are Lovelyz and GFRIEND on the same level? All that's said about GFRIEND is regarding their plagiarism, APink also had accusations of plagiarism but it didn't affect their perfect image. I have to personally choose Lovelyz for this

3. Mamamoo > Lovelyz = Red Velvet > Sonamoo > GFRIEND

4. JIN - Gone (solo song), just listen to it, hehehehe. Lovelyz's talents are really impressive, hehehe. Before Lovelyz's official debut, JIN could have even been featured in an album? Baby Soul and Yoo Jiae also had enough talent to sing solo, so what are you guys thinking *shivers*. You are only going to judge from one debut song??!

5. GFRIEND's plastic looks are a bait for men...I was surprised when I saw their broadcast, lol. They are just not pretty girls...but at least one of them doesn't seem plastic...and their song just sounds so familiar...it's blatant plagiarism, hehehehe. Isn't it like something we have heard before?

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Nate Pann