February 7, 2016

Instiz: GFRIEND Yerin vs Lovelyz Kei



1. Kei

2. Keispretty T_T

3. Jiyeon (Kei) T_T

4. They are the ones I like from their groups T_T

5. The two are very pretty T_T lovelies *cries*

6. Is one of the middle Yerin photos from the news? Hehehe, super cute

7. Kei

8. Both are adorable

9. Kei *tears*

10. Yerin is so cute T_T those gif with the infinite loop

11. Kim Kei is such a pretty thing

12. Yerin *crying* she's like a marshmallow T_T

여자친구 예린 vs 러블리즈 케이