April 4, 2016

Nate Pann: Red Velvet to have comeback soon after their last promotion

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Their comeback will occur not long after the end of promotions. Anytime soon, it will be announced they are returning with their specialty.This rapid comeback will likely be around May?

Their next concept will be a Red concept instead of a Velvet concept. The Red and Velvet concepts will proceed like this. SM is probably working really hard right now!?

"Let's meet again"
"Will you be smiling when you see us again"


1. To be honest, when I saw their goodbye stage it made me so depressed, but when I saw their Instagram update I felt better. It was so nice of them to say #Let's Meet Again (lyrics from One Of These Nights)♡ We will meet all of you again, Red Velvet!!

2. I will bulk buy the heck out of whatever they release

3. It's just been 8 months since their last comeback activities. It's so sad that their promotion only lasted 3 weeks *tear* They should comeback soon with their specialty, which isn't the Velvet side. The next time we see them they will put so much effort into their activities.

4. Aren't "Let's meet again" lyrics? One Of These Nights..

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Nate Pann